Main Focus Areas

Communication & Collaboration


Our Stories

Many companies say they are different. For us at Schchara, we are driven by the desire to be truly unique in our sector, rather than simply saying that we are. As we kick off a new financial year, I wanted to take a moment to explain how we do this and the positive impacts we strive to achieve each day for the people we work with around the globe.

Technology and digital contractors represent the future of work. Supporting contractors, helping them grow their careers and supporting their professional and personal development.

At Schchara, we are on a mission to redefine recruitment. That means creating a level of service that otherwise wouldn’t exist. Candidates are central to this mission.

IT project managers might lead projects to introduce new software solutions, scale IT processes, or switch cloud providers for an organization

Ad pri tale libris dissentiet, mei te docendi molestie comprehensam, adhuc tractatos purto adhuc ut vix perpetua commune.

Developer Marco Howard

Sonet semper deseruisse. Recteque sinc dissentias neglegentur simule no mei alia explicari perpetua noluisse putent cu.

Manager Lisa McLean

Saepe fabulas omittantur in periculis vix dissentias accommodare eam no, mei ea meliore consetetur, ornatus putant habeo.

CEO & Founder John Smith
happy clients

Duo impedit explicari ad. Quo facilisis deseruisse quaerendum. Erant neglegentur eu mea purto adhuc perpetua nec ne accumsan pri.


Ornatus alienum erroribus ius, sea corrumpit philosophia, no nullam erre vivendo. Laudem mei eam. Ne falli semper latine.


Ornatus alienum erroribus ius, sea corrumpit philosophia, no nullam erre vivendo. Laudem mei eam. Ne falli semper latine.

IT Solutions

Ornatus alienum erroribus ius, sea corrumpit philosophia, no nullam erre vivendo. Laudem mei eam. Ne falli semper latine.


Ornatus alienum erroribus ius, sea corrumpit philosophia, no nullam erre vivendo. Laudem mei eam. Ne falli semper latine.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipscing elit seid dolores alea.

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